Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Depth of field

I have a little cheap camcorder (on the left) that takes the worst footage but is so convenient. Tonight I was determined to create a camcorder that was both easy to take with us (unlike my professional camera) and also captures good footage. I went to the hardware and camera store and for about $25 of PVC and fittings, made a rough depth-of-field adaptor. I got the wrong kind of focusing screen so I have a "dot" right in the middle of every shot, but when I exchange it tomorrow, I think I'll be pleased with the final results.

I shot all this footage a couple of hours ago in front of my office.


Kim Ayres said...

I'm sorely impressed by you're banjo playing too...

tekeal said...

mmmmmm, nice, thanks.

beans said...

That's really neat. Even with the dot in the middle. Who's singing?

Tom said...

Thanks, and that's Charlie Parr, from here in MN, singing.

Stacy said...

You did what?? I understand nothing you said regarding your camera but love the outcome. And the song.