Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Goal setters

I took off early yesterday to celebrate my B-Day; we drove over to the airport and parked to let Silvi watch the jets land and take off. She stood on the roof of the car and clapped as the planes roared by. Then over to my parents for supper and ice cream cake.

I've already broken all my unwritten goals for this year, on purpose so that they won't be hanging over me. It's so annoying, this propensity to set goals for oneself on birthdays and on the eve of new years. Who likes to hang out with goal setters? Do goal setters ever "hang out" anyway?

I say, throw your stone as far as you can, then go and pick it up and throw it again. Pick a mountain top that's calling to you and start walking. And make sure to stop in all the villages along the way.

(P.S. If you are a surgeon or fighter pilot, please disregard this advice. Please, set goals. Thank you.)

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