Friday, August 22, 2008


Our family vacation begins in one hour! We're driving to Detroit to visit my sister then to Chicago to visit Annie's relatives.

This afternoon we're doing a short stint over to Wausau, Wisconsin and staying in a hotel with a pool for the kids to play in. Then we catch the four hour ferry ride across Lake Michigan at noon tomorrow and drive down to the Detroit area to be with my sister until Friday. From there we drive to Chicago for the three day weekend with Annie's aunt, then a final night in Waukesha, WI to visit some of the places where Annie lived as a child. My posts will be a bit sporadic, but I'll try to throw up some pictures when I get the chance. (And keep an eye on my Twitter feed over on the right; I may text in some updates from my phone. If you care, that is. I know you do.)


Jeffrey Goble said...

Have a great time!
Twitter if you must, but don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Working the graveyard shift while you're gone, up all night, no, no, you have a wonderful trip.

beans said...

YEAH for vacation! Have a great time. I loved the ferry when we did it a few years ago--though it was very cold.

Relax and enjoy the kids, each other, and the time off. You deserve it.

Kim Ayres said...

I can see Ian's first sentence is going to be "Are we there yet?"