Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Parent's night out

We had Silvi spend the night with my parents on Saturday so that we could go to the Down syndrome parent's night out. No kids allowed. We did, however, end up taking Ian since he isn't big on bottles yet, but he ended up sleeping through the entire event.

Two of the parents hosted it in their home, a gorgeous three-story house located on a hill overlooking the downtown skyline. They had a well-stocked bar of enough wine and beer to give me a headache the following morning. I think there were about twenty of us, and it was good to meet the parents in a less formal setting than the classroom. And without the kids demanding all the attention, we were finally able to have prolonged conversations, although many of them were on the topic of our children. A couple of the dads play soccer, so it was good to be able to talk sports for a bit.

OK. I admit it. I enjoyed myself. And I may even make a habit of it. Guess it is possible to teach an old dog some new tricks after all.


RK said...

Good for you, and I'm glad it went well. (I don't why I say "good for you" like that... it sounds kind of condescending like I'm commending you for getting your act together or something. Who knows. I'm just now getting my breakfast in me. I'll know better and wait til after morning brain food before commenting.)

We've gone to two of this type of event, and both times we've been in a two-on-two situation with one particular couple (like in a booth at the restaurant) and although we didn't get to chat with others much, we've become good friends with that couple. I count that a win.

Kim Ayres said...

Tom? Sociable? You'll be telling us next you've been known to occasionally chuckle.

Stacy said...

Kudos to you for giving it another chance. I have yet to make a second visit to our ds group. You have inspired me to give it more thought.

bella said...

Glad to hear it went well, that you had a good time.
Stepping past comfort zones is hard and awkward, and just sometimes a pleasant surprise.

Anonymous said...

oh! if you could let me know when the next one is...i'd love to go, too!

beans said...

I am glad you not only went, but had a slight bit of enjoyment from it!

BTW-Have you heard of the Movie Praying with Lior? A parent of a kiddo I work with emailed me the link and I think I may go see it . . .I will let you know how it goes.

Jeffrey Goble said...


Tom said...

rk: I'm all for making friends... hope it works out that way in the end for us.

kim: I wouldn't hold your breath.

waldenhouse: I had fun... once. We'll see about next time.

Isabel: I like my comfort zones. It's Annie who likes shattering them for me. :)

Ana: Sorry, I should have brought it up. I barely got there myself (dragged there more like it.) I'll absolutely let you know when something else happens...

beans: I missed the film when it came through here. I hear it good, though.

elbog: Is that a good "woof"?