Monday, December 03, 2007

Rata tat tat

Silvi and I ventured out last night into the cold and snow for a daddy-daughter date to see Ratatouille. Super fun film, and we actually made it until the second reel this time before the restless bugs finally chased us from our seats. I take her to the cheap theater knowing that her Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS (if you don't watch tv, you won't get that) will ultimately prevail.

As we walked away from the theater, she burst out with, "That was fun!" Imagine her enthusiasm when she realizes one day that most films actually do reach a resolution.

Unless it's a French film, in which case all you're left with is reality.


Tricia said...


Karen said...

Sounds like you two had a nice evening out. When our whole family went to see that very same movie, we had a secret weapon for our very restless 4 year old: his Gameboy! The rest of us were able to enjoy the movie in peace.
I wish we had a cheap theater where we live, though.

Tom said...

Tricia: :)

Karen: I'll keep my eye out for a cheap gameboy this Christmas... thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

We call it River Dance Syndrome in my know, like the Irish dancing? My husband usually does it in his sleep, and I have to wake him up to ask if he has to do a wee wee! LOL!